martes, 25 de febrero de 2025

Alchemy. 6th grade A.

Now that we are dealing with materials, I have decided to talk you a little bit about Alchemy. Let's go.

What was Alchemy?

Alchemy was an ancient science from Medieval times and Renaissance (14th, 15th and 16th centuries, mainly). It was based on the idea that materials could be changed into another materials by applying certain procedures: heating, cooling, chemical reactions... Alchemy was also interested in the achieving of the "Philosopher's Stone": a magical artifact capable of curing illnesses, extending life, turning metals into gold and providing immortality to its owner.

Who practiced Alchemy?

Alchemy was reserved to nobles and rich people. The stuff for doing alchemy was expensive: burners, glass pots, alembics, mercury... 

Did they make gold?

Nope. It is not possible to turn pure metals into another pure metals by means of chemical reactions. And of course, they did not find a magical stone capable of curing illnesses or giving immortality.


Alchemy was not completely "wrong". It has recently been demonstrated that it is possible to turn pure elements into another ones; but not chemically. The key is Nuclear Transmutation: a process in which the nucleus of an atom is changed. This process can only occur in a particle accelerator, and it takes a lot of energy. But yes: you can turn a piece of lead into a piece of gold.

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