martes, 12 de noviembre de 2024

Dangerous jobs. 6th grade B.

Today, before games, we will read a bit. Concretely we are going to learn about the five more dangerous jobs in the world, in accordance with statistics:

5.- Venom milker.

This job consist in to get poison from venomous animals. The poison is used for making the antidote, which can save your life if, for example, a cobra has bitten you. Needless to say that this job is dangerous.

4.- Ice road trucker.

In some cold countries, like Sweden, Canada or Russia, rivers and lakes get frozen when winter comes. The ice is so thick that it can endure the weight of big trucks and trailers. However, from time to time the ice breaks, and well... In that case it is not nice to be inside a truck cabin. 

3.- Sulphur miner.

Miner is one of the most dangerous professions. And even more if you have to climb a volcano for extracting sulphur rocks. These people usually die young because of toxic gas released from hot cracks.

2.- Landmine remover.

During war it is common to bury mines for protecting determined areas. It is the so called "mine field". Then, when war is over, it is necessary to remove these mines. Here takes place the profession of "Landmine remover": a guy which, with a metal detector, goes here and fro looking for these deadly weapons.

1.- Lumberjack (woodcutter). 

In big forest areas from Brazil, USA, Canada... we find people who work as lumberjacks. Their mission: to cut down and extract from forest very big logs. Every year dozens of these workers die crushed by the weight of giant logs. They also work with very dangerous tools: axes, chainsaws, heavy machinery, cranes, stell wires...

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