martes, 12 de septiembre de 2023

Dangerous roads in Extremadura. 6th grades A and B.

I was thinking in to talk about the most dangerous roads in the World; but I changed my mind. We are gonna talk about the most dangerous roads in our region. There are three black points close to Santa Amalia which you have to know when travelling:

Road to Vivares.
Road from Santa Amalia to Vivares. Passing Valdehornillos there is a long straight in which 3 people have died in these two last years. This road is narrow, without shouders; and although there aren't many potholes, the pavement is uneven. So... when going over there, you have to go quiet and watchful.

Don Benito's road.
Road from Medellín to Don Benito. A very dangerous one. The road is not too bad: the pavement is OK; there are shoulders; and not bad curves. Here the problem is traffic: Thousands of cars pass over there every day. This traffic density produces many accidents. A particularly problematic point is when the road pass over the railway, reaching Don Benito.

N 430
N 430. Without any doubt, one of the most dangerous roads not only in Extremadura, but in all Spain. Once more, at least in our region, the problem is not the road itself: good pavement, wide shoulders, not bad curves... Here the problem is again the high traffic density. Thousands of cars and trucks (4 thousand every day, in accordance with General Direction of Traffic) pass over it. Every year 40 of 50 victims die on this road. For many years people have demanded the transformation of this way into a highway. Currently there is an approved project for building a new highway section from Valdetorres to Ruecas. But you know...

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