miércoles, 6 de abril de 2022

Water. 6th grade.

Climatic change has brought a perennial lack of water in our region. You have only to visit the countryside, or to have a look at our water reservoirs in Orellana or García Sola. The outlook is heartbreaking: step by step, Extremadura is becoming desert. So, ¿what can we do?

    Resultado de imagen de drought
  1. To save water in Agriculture. Agriculture takes a 70% of the total use of water. Spanish agriculture should be more efficient by taking some basic actions focused on water saving:  to use drop by drop watering systems, to grow drought - adapted crops, to improve and renew old - obsolete irritagion systems...
  2. To save water at home. By adopting some single and easy measures we can save water: to close the tap when we're brushing our teeth; to have a shower, not a bath; to water the garden in the early morning or in the late evening; to start the washing machine only when it's completely loaded; etc.
  3. To research in water - desalinate systems. Ultimately, the responsability of this problem lies in our government. They have to invest funds in R & D (research and development) in order to find inexpensive methods for desalinating sea water.

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