miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2021

Natural disasters II: Asteroid.

Asteroids are solid objects which spread all over the Solar System. There are millions of asteroids. Their size varies a lot, from the smaller ones (like small stones) to the bigger ones (kilometres and kilometres of metal, rock and ice)

Resultado de imagen de asteroid

Asteroids would be a boring matter if they were not dangerous. But they are.The impact of an asteroid in our planet could imply terrifying consequences, depending on its size:

1.- Small asteroids: local destruction (like a bomb)
2.- Medium size asteroids: they can wipe out a city and its surrounding area.
3.- Big asteroids. they can devastate a large region, resulting in global climatic changes.
4.- Very big asteroids: they can destroy our civilization, causing a global disaster.

Resultado de imagen de asteroid

For this reason astronomers are constantly monitoring the asteroids which are close to Earth, trying to predict trajectories and possible collisions. They have created a scale for grading asteroids thinking in their danger. It is the "Torino scale", where asteroids are classifyied from 0 to 10, being 0 no risk and 10 global destruction.

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