jueves, 28 de octubre de 2021
martes, 26 de octubre de 2021
Hugo's haunted house.
I don't know if we could play this online halloween game at class. However, we will try:
Santa Amalia's spooky stories IV. The orange light.
Hernán Cortés Water tower. |
Burdalo's bridge, between Santa Amalia and Torrefresneda. |
lunes, 25 de octubre de 2021
Slenderman. Halloween story.
Santa Amalia's spooky stories III. The ghost whirlpool of Búrdalo.
Burdalo's bridge, on Torrefresneda's road. |
When going from Santa Amalia to Torrefresneda, you have to cross Búrdalo by the N - 430 bridge. There, the river reaches more than 5 meters deep; even more. On that place, from time to time, it appears "the ghost whirlpool": a strong and unexpected water current which swallows everything it takes.
Burdalo river next to San Isidro. |
The ghost whirlpool not only appears on that place; it also shows up between San Isidro's bridge and the ford (the ford: an old river pass over some tubes whereby the water flows). Old people still warn children about the river when going to San Isidro's shrine on May, the 15th: "Don't swim in the river!!", they say "Búrdalo looks peaceful, but is treacherous!!" And certainly it is. More than one and more than two Amalianers drowned in its waters when fishing in the river was an earning - life option.
What to do if a water whirlpool swallows you?Water whirlpool.
If you have the misfortune of being swallowed by a whirlpool (in Búrdalo or somewhere else), not all is lost. There is one last option you have. Don't fight against the whrilpool. Let him absorb you; and when you will be at the bottom of it, swim away (all meters you can), and then try to reach the water surface. Thus, you will have left the whirlpool behind you, being safe and sound.
jueves, 21 de octubre de 2021
Describe a monster. 4th grade. Class activity.
miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2021
Halloween worksheet 6º.
Halloween's comming. Here I let a worksheet we will do at class:
Halloween online games.
Santa Amalia's spooky stories II. The abandoned old flour factory.
Old flour factory. |
Old grinding machine |
After this sordid event strange things started to happen in the factory. Many people noticed like pinches from an invisible hand. Machines started and stopped automatically, with no human intervention. Doors opened and slammed by themselves... Some workers even saw a dark shadow walking by the corridors in the evening, at the same time that Manuel had died. The staff was terryfied. They call the priest of Santa Amalia, who told them to set candles in the windows in order to drive away some malefic spirit. But it was counterproductive: the candles melted in a few minutes, making the window bars trembling. Finally the workers refused to work on that cursed place, running away from there. The boss could not find anyone for working in the factory; and so, it finally closed in 1954.
The factory sleept quiet for many years, with all its history inside. Recently was demolished. But be careful. If one day, at the end of October, you decide to go along Canseco street at the last hour of evening, walk fast and don't look up from the ground. Perhaps you will see (or listen) things you don't like. Flames floating in the empty lot, strangee noises, the clinking of metal things... Even a grim shadow looking for his missed hand.
lunes, 18 de octubre de 2021
Online resources. 6º.
Today we will do this word roulette. Some concepts are unknown by you; but it does not matter. You learn them and done:
Also something about town locations:
Memory game about town locations
Halloween 2021. Santa Amalia's spooky stories I. Chozos de la retama.
La Reina and Infante corner. |
We set this story in actual Infante and La Reina streets, in Santa Amalia. The time: 1821 (two hundred years ago). On this area, on that age, there were some sheepherd huts (before the foundation of Santa Amalia). In accordance with tradition, in those huts some strange women and men lived. It is said that they could invoke spirits; also to cure illnesses and pain; and to bless (or curse) people and cattle. Summarizing: they were witches and wizards.
Shepherd huts. |
Body parts. 1º.
Today we will work with this online resource:
domingo, 17 de octubre de 2021
Natural disasters III. Tsunami.
A Tsunami is a giant and powerful sea wave caused by a submarine Earthquake. The submarine ground rises, pushing the water away. At the begining the wave isn't very tall: in fact, if you are in a boat at the sea, you don't feel anything; only a small movement under your feet. But when the wave arrives to the sea shore, it quickly grows, reaching meters in height.
There have been very high tsunamis along the History: Lisbon and Cádiz (1755), Malasia (2004) or more reciently, New Zealand (2016) A Tsunami wave can reach more than 20 meters, destroying and killing everything. The most destructive one was in Malasia: more than 230.000 people died in that natural disaster.
Actually there are Tsunami alarms in many parts of the world (including Spain) Some hours before the impact of the wave the police advises people in order to evacuate the coast.
Malasia Tsunami, 2004. |
miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2021
Natural disasters II: Asteroid.
Asteroids are solid objects which spread all over the Solar System. There are millions of asteroids. Their size varies a lot, from the smaller ones (like small stones) to the bigger ones (kilometres and kilometres of metal, rock and ice)
Asteroids would be a boring matter if they were not dangerous. But they are.The impact of an asteroid in our planet could imply terrifying consequences, depending on its size:
1.- Small asteroids: local destruction (like a bomb)
2.- Medium size asteroids: they can wipe out a city and its surrounding area.
3.- Big asteroids. they can devastate a large region, resulting in global climatic changes.
4.- Very big asteroids: they can destroy our civilization, causing a global disaster.
For this reason astronomers are constantly monitoring the asteroids which are close to Earth, trying to predict trajectories and possible collisions. They have created a scale for grading asteroids thinking in their danger. It is the "Torino scale", where asteroids are classifyied from 0 to 10, being 0 no risk and 10 global destruction.
Body parts activity. 1º, 2º and 4º. Review for 6º.
A good activity which I have found. Enjoy it:
Also a worksheet:
And a pair of games:
Vocabulary game (jigsaw)
jueves, 7 de octubre de 2021
Worksheet for 6º.
And although it is not directly related, here I let some good stuff about dinosaurs. Maybe tomorrow I will make some questions about it.
martes, 5 de octubre de 2021
Volcanic eruption in La Palma island. 6º
Canary island volcano. |
- Lava: it is a flow of molten rock, usually above 1.000º degrees. It usually spreads at 5 km per hour (the pace of a human being); although it can be slower.
- Earthquakes: when the magma is rising up from the mantle, it makes the land tremble. These trembling can destroy houses and buildings, killing people.
- Tsunamis: the volcano can produce landslides; and if these landsildes reach the sea, they create a giant wave.
- Toxic gas: volcanoes release very venomous gases to the atmosphere: sulfur dioxide and Clorhidric acid are two of the most deadly ones. Breathing them can kill you.
Pyroclastic flow. - Pyroclastic flow: perhaps the most deadly way in which volcanoes kill. A pyroclastic flow is a giant cloud of hot ash (over 300 degrees). It springs suddenly from the volcano, running down from the cone to lower areas. It is very fast: about 100 km per hour. If the cloud catches you... You are in trouble.
2º. Review for "body parts" and "face parts".
Hy there. I let you a pair of worksheets about body and face parts. You can do it for training, thinking on next exam.