jueves, 4 de abril de 2024

Fast animals. 5th Grade B

We all probably know that cheetah is the fastest animal on land. But there are other rapid animals in the world. Here I want to tell you about them, kingdom by kigndom:

Mammals: as you know, the fastest animal is the cheetah. It can reach 100 kilometres per hour. It lives in Africa. It hunts gazelles. It is orange and brown with many spots. It is possible to domesticate it, like a big cat.

Resultado de imagen de cheetah

Birds: peregrine falcon. It reaches over 300 km per hour (flying down on a prey) It is a very common animal. You can find them in natural areas; also in the cities. They make their nests on churches, towers, old buildings, cliffs, high rocks...

Resultado de imagen de peregrin falcon

Reptiles: bearded dragon: 40 kilometres per hour. It lives in Australia, in the desert. It eats small insects and plants. It has got a lot of scales around its neck, like a "beard", for scaring predators.

Resultado de imagen de bearded dragon

Fish: black marlin. It reaches 129 kilometres per hour. It lives in tropical areas. It is a very big fish (it weighs 750 kg) Fishermen consider it as one of the most valuable captures they can get.

Resultado de imagen de black marlin

Invertebrates: the horsefly. It can fly very fast: 145 kilometres per hour. Its bite is very painful. They love to bite horses, cows, camels... and humans.

Resultado de imagen de horsefly

Teacher's story: when I was 17 years old a horsefly bit me on my leg. I was fishing, and I still remember my skin burning, and the big wheal which appeared on my calf. If you see one of these horseflies, scare them away... or run away.

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