miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2021
martes, 28 de septiembre de 2021
Body parts. 2º.
Body parts super - complete: an ultimate excercise about body parts. NEW WORDS:
- Toe: dedo del pie.
- Palm: palma de la mano.
6º. What, who, which, when, where and...How.
After food, I want to teach you about the "Wh" interrogative particles. Very usefull. I let here some stuff related to this topic:
lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2021
Animals IV. 4º.
domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2021
Sugar. 6º.
Sugar is a natural product which can be found in fruits and vegetables. Thus, when you're eating apples, strawberries or cherries, you're eating sugar; a healthy and natural sugar.
The problem appears when humans take plants with a high sugar content (like beet or sugar cane, see below) and transform them into industrial sugar. This sugar isn't natural, and damages your health.
The photo on the left shows a sugar factory. There, by means of chemical processes (addition of phosporic acid, calcium hydroxide or calcium phospate), the sugar that you eat in everyday meals is produced. This sugar is unhealthy, and produces a great series of illnesses.
Here I refer you the five most common illnesses related to sugar consumption:
- Obesity: the direct consequence of eating too much sugar. Your weigh increases, and you get fat. Obestity results in many other problems, mainly in relation with heart and circulatory system. Scientists asseverate that overweight people die much before than not overweight persons.
- Hypertension: it's when your blood makes too much strenght against your veins. Sugar increases your blood pressure, and can produce strokes and heart attacks.
- Diabetes: sugar is processed thanks to insuline, a liquid produced by pancreas. When you take too much sugar during too much years, your pancreas finally crash down, stopping the insuline production. Then, sugar cannot be processed, and it starts to attack your internal organs: eyes are blinded; rash appears on skin; your kidneys stop working; and your hearing decreases. Extreme and non controlled sugar levels in your blood can also produce sudden death.
- Tooth decay: sugar ruins your teeth, difficulting food chewing and digestion.
- Cancer: recent studies show that there is a relation between high sugar consumption and cancer.
Food. 6º. Definitions.
- Rabbits love to eat them.
- It scares away vampires.
- Spongebob lives in one of them.
- White drink which we obtain from animals like cows, sheep or goats.
- It is a fruit, red inside and green outside. Typical at summer time.
- It is a bulb. When you peel or chop it, you'll probably cry.
- It is a dense liquid produced by bees. It is sweet and amber.
- Hen lay them. They have a hard shell; and inside they have got yolk and white.
- Spiral sweet candy.
- Very important foodstuff made with flour, salt, water and yeast. It must be baked before eating.
Animal descriptions. 4º Grade.
miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2021
Animal crossword. 4th Grade.
I let here a crossword about animals. Very useful for next exam:
martes, 21 de septiembre de 2021
Listening. 6º.
Here I let you something very helpfull for your next exam. If I were you, I would watch it more than twice.
lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2021
Homework 5º.
I also let here the other three activities:
jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2021
martes, 14 de septiembre de 2021
Climatic Change: Water in Extremadura.
Climatic change has brought a perennial lack of water in our region. You have only to visit the countryside, or to have a look at our water reservoirs in La Serena, Cíjara or García Sola. The outlook is heartbreaking: step by step, Extremadura is becoming desert. So, ¿what can we do?
- To save water in Agriculture. Agriculture takes a 70% of the total use of water. Spanish agriculture should be more efficient by taking some basic actions focused on water saving: to use drop by drop watering systems, to grow drought - adapted crops, to improve and renew old - obsolete irritagion systems...
- To save water at home. By adopting some single and easy measures we can save water: to close the tap when we're brushing our teeth; to have a shower, not a bath; to water the garden in the early morning or in the late evening; to start the washing machine only when it's completely loaded; etc.
- To research in water - desalinate systems. Ultimately, the responsability of this problem lies in our government. They have to eamark funds in R & D (research and development) in order to find inexpensive methods for desalinating sea water.