jueves, 20 de mayo de 2021

Activity: What can you see?

Activity for Middle Ages Vocabulary.

I have prepared this online activiy for working the vocabulary we have recently learned at class. I hope you like it:

Medieval Vocabulary

New photocopy. Medieval Ages.

I park the photocopy "Football". Replacing it, a new one about Medieval Ages. Here we go with some pretty stuff related to it. First, a video.

Then, some questions I prepared some time ago:

Medieval Age definitions

domingo, 2 de mayo de 2021

Football vocabulary. 3 / 05 / 2021

Today perhaps we will start a new photocopy. This time is related to "Football".

We will also review some actions with all these games:

Actions I

Actions II

Actions III

Actions IV

Actions V

Actions VI

Actions VII

Actions VIII

Actions IX

Actions X

Study them, because VERY SOON we will do an exam about actions