viernes, 26 de marzo de 2021

Hercules and the Nemean Lion.

Hercules was an ancient Greek hero. He is famous because of his 12 labours: a series of very hard works which he had to do in order to atone a crime he had committed.

One of this works was to kill the Nemean Lion.

In Nemea, a region of Greece, there was a terrible lion. Twice the size of a normal lion, and with an impenetrable skin. No arrow, no sword, could trespass it.

Hercules went to Nemea, and try to kill the lion. First, he threw arrows; but they bounced against the skin. So Hercules drop the bow and ran to the lion. He fought against him, finally choking him with his own hands.

domingo, 14 de marzo de 2021

Class plan. March, the 15th. Monday.

Today we will start a new worksheet: names of animal parts. I will upload the photocopy as soon as possible. Meanwhile, some online resources:

Animal parts

Animal descriptions

Animal descriptions II

jueves, 11 de marzo de 2021

Perseus and Medusa.

Perseus was a Greek hero, son of Zeus. He had to kill Medusa, a horrifying monster.

Medusa once had been a very beautiful woman; but she was punished by immortal gods because her wickedness. She was transformed into a horrible monster; and the only thing she kept from her beauty was her face.

Resultado de imagen de perseus and medusaMedusa's blood was venomous; and she could convert to anyone into stone only with a glance. It was a formidable foe; for this reason Perseus ask for advice to Atenea, the ancient god of wisdom. Atenea, impressed by the courage of the hero, gave him three presents: a helmet of invisibility; a pair of flying sandals; and a mirror shield.

Perseus started his travel. He flew to the island where Medusa lived with the sandals. There he could enter into Medusa's cave hidden under the invisibility helmet. And finally he could cut off Medusa's head avoiding to look at her, using for this the mirror shield.

Then, Perseus could come back riding on Pegasus, the winged horse. He had many other adventures: he killed evil kings, he rescued beautiful princesses... But that is another tale, and shall be told another time.


  1. Who was Perseus?
  2. Who was his father?
  3. What was his hero's task?
  4. Describe Medusa.
  5. Who helped Perseus?
  6. What did she give to him?
  7. Where did Medusa live?
  8. How did Perseus kill Medusa?
  9. How could Perseus come back from Medusa's island?
  10. What was the name of the winged horse?

miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2021

Class plan. 3 / 11 / 2021

Today we will finish with the photocopy about mythological beings. Then, we will do some games to work it:

Mythological beings definitions.

Mythological beings drag and drop.

Also this text:

Hercules and the hydra.

Furthermore we will do mime games and descrpition games.

martes, 9 de marzo de 2021

Myhtological beings word roulette.

Here I let a word roulette I prepared some time ago:

Mythological beings

There are some words you don't know:

Egiptian god of death: Anubis.

Islamic demon: Jinn.

Winged horse: Pegasus.

Aztec god, with the appearance of a feathered snake: Quetzalcoatl.

Magical giant being from "neverending story". He eats rocks: Rock Eater.

Very similar to an Orc. Gnomes enemy: Troll.

Video game demon, fron "Oblivion IV": Xivilai.

domingo, 7 de marzo de 2021

Hercules and the Hydra.

Hercules was a hero from ancient Greece. He was son of Zeus, and he had a supernatural strength. During his life he had to achieve some incredible tasks: the very famous "twelve labours". One of them was to kill a terryfing monster called "Hydra".

Resultado de imagen de Iolaus and the hydra
Hercules and Iolalus killing the awful hydra.

In the place of Lerna, in ancient Greek, there was a horrible and awful monster called Hydra. It had nine heads, it lived in a very deep cave and it loved to kill and eat up cattle and people. Hercules, who was a hero, knew about it and decided to kill the monster.

But when Hercules arrived to the cave and started to cut off Hydra's heads, he could check that when he slashed one, other new two appeared from the bloody neck. Astonished, he flew away. Fortunately a nephew of him, called Iolalus, was over there. He was very intelligent, and he told Hercules that when cutting off heads, it was necessary to burn the wound in order to avoid the raising of new heads.

So both ones, Iolalus and Hercules, returned to the Hydra's cave. There, Hercules started again chopping heads; but this time his nephew cauterized the stumps. Hydra didn't raise new heads, and so Hercules could finish his task, killing the hideous animal.


  1. Who was Hercules?
  2. Who was his father?
  3. What was his "super - power"?
  4. Where did the Hydra live?
  5. How many heads had it got?
  6. Whad did it do with people and cattle?
  7. Why was so difficult to kill the hydra?
  8. Who helped Hercules?
  9. What did he tell him?
  10. Could Hercules finish his task?

jueves, 4 de marzo de 2021

Class plan. March, the 4th and 5th.

We are dealing with mythological beings. I will upload the photocopy and the activity very soon. Meanwhile, I let here this game I prepared some time ago. Play it!

Mythological beings

I let here a game I have prepared:

Mythological beings