viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020

Halloween spooky stories.

The girl on the curve (La chica de la curva, perhaps Spain’s most famous ghost story). A driver picks up a young woman who’s hitchhiking late at night on a dark highway. The girl warns the driver to be careful going around the next curve, as it’s especially dangerous. The driver asks her how she knows this, to which she explains that she was killed on the curve. During her chilling response, the mysterious hitchhiker slowly vanishes into thin air.

"El Espanto". In Las Hurdes, a northem region of Extremadura, old people still tell the story of "El Espanto". They describe it as a tall and slender figure, all white, which appears in the paths between villages at night. Many witnesses saw him, and then they got sick. Some of them died as a consequence of the meeting with the terrifying figure.

The ball of light in Magacela.

Magacela is a town next here; about 50 km away. There, there is a legend about a strange light which appears on a quiet lagoon. People says that in October, when the night comes, sometimes, a ball of light flies over "La laguna de los Santos" (The lagoon of the saints) There are many witnesses of this rare light. Miguel Ángel Tena, a man from Castuera, watched the light in 2010, when he was sitting down next to the water. And Mary Gutiérrez, in 2014, swears that she also saw the light flying over the lake.

But this is not only today. There are ancient chronicles (Fray Diego Becerra de Valcárcel, in 1684, points that he saw the same light)  and old pictures in a dolmen which represent a ball of light flying on this area.

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2020

Physical appearance descriptions.

Today, after finishing the photocopy, we will start with this game:

Descriptions I

Then, an oral class game about descriptions:

And finally, some halloween monster descriptions:

  1. She is a woman. She has got grey / blue eyes. She has got black hair, red lips and the mouth is opened. She has got a fierce gesture.
  2. He has got yellow eyes, sharp teeth and sharp ears. He is bald. He has got blood on his lips.
  3. He is wrapped into white bandages.
  4. He hasn't got flesh; only bones. He has got bony long fingers and sharp teeth. His gesture is fierce. The background is black.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2020

Physical appearance games and worksheets.

Hi again. Today we will finish the photocopy about "physical appeareance". First play some games for learning it:

Physical appearance.

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2020


 Hi, children. Today I want to let here two activities related to "Actions". Play them and enjoy:

Actions I

Actions II: on this one there are two actions which I have not taught you yet: bend and wake up:



miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2020

English Exam.

 As you know, on next Thursday we have got our first English exam. It's going to be very easy. I let you here some material for studying:

Body parts

Face parts


jueves, 15 de octubre de 2020

Face parts activity.

Do this worksheet I have created. It is about face parts:

Face parts

And another one, about body parts:

Body parts.

Also a game:

Body parts game

And a game about face parts:

Face parts game

Other one, also about face parts:

Face parts

And one more, for the photocopy I will give to you:

Physical appearance.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2020

October, the 5th. Monday. Class of today.

Today we will deal with body and face parts. I want to make this worksheet:

Body parts

If this worksheet does not work, try with this one: Body parts II

And here I let you the vocabulary we have worked today. First face parts: 

Extra words: Jaw (mandíbula) and iris (el iris del ojo)

And then, body parts:

Note: Back (espalda) and bottom (trasero) are missed.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2020

Welcome back!!

Welcome again to the school, children. I hope your quarantine has been not very hard. Today we continue whereby we stop: body and face parts.

Basic body parts

Spiderman body parts.

Face parts I

Then, a game for checking if you have learned all these words:

Then, I will give you this photocopy:

We will complete it during following days.

And finally, a worksheet about physical descripticons:

Pysical descriptions.

English. October, the 1st.

 Today, some descriptions about animals. First, this very easy worksheet:

Animals I

And then, a bit more difficult one:

Animals II

Learn these words for the activity "animals II"